
47 Audio Reviews

28 w/ Responses

Great but not perfect

When I first heard the beginning I thought this song was going to be completely different than what I thought it was going to be.

I didn't like the beginning (First 30 seconds) but after that I was enjoying the song. And every few seconds you add a little more but at 0:40 was where I liked it the most. Thats where I wanted to listen to over and over again. After the beginning the song was very good and enjoyable.

The beginning. It doesn't really match up with the Techno theme and i have heard stuff like the beginning in a lot of other songs. The beginning has no big deal to me and was the only thing I disliked about the song.

Just fix the beginning so it seems more like a techno song. It could of maybe confused some people. Techno and R&B are my favorite Genres of songs and hearing the beginning I was not pleased with it.

-Review Request Club-


Glad I stuck around for the whole song. At the beginning it was boring and right about when I was going to give up I heard the beautiful sounds coming from out my speakers.

After it got past the first 25 seconds of the song I was really getting into it then. The song went from slow and boring to fast paced and great melody and beats. When the song started to slow down that part I liked. The simple beats from which I think was a xylophone was just the right touch to add into the song. And the ending did the same thing but instead of it getting faster over time it got slower. I really liked that. It was a good way to end a song.

The beginning of the song was a little to boring. Using the soft stuff to build up in your song i a great method but it was putting me to sleep. Maybe thats cause Im reviewing this at 1 A.M. Other then the boring 25 seconds which isn't even a big deal. Great Job.

Nothing. A tiny little mistake here then there that don't even matter. Great song.

-Review Request Club-

Numi responds:

NICE. Glad you were able to enjoy it ^_^

And yes, after about half a dozen listens after the upload, I saw all sorts of problems. Including the one with the intro you mentioned. I plan to rebuild this, fix everything, and make it a hell of a lot better sometime soon!

A song worthy to my ears.

The beginning, middle, and end all were great. How it was all put together was great. I don't really understand why the title is Aliens.

The beginning is a nice classical type style. Putting something classical to open with on this song was a smart in my mind to do cause its warming you up for the good part. Even though it was still kind of classical it wasn't boring like most classical song. The I like the song after around 30 seconds cause it was really fast paced. And the ending wrapped up the song nicely. Great song overall.

Nothing I can think of. Maybe the only thing I can think of is it didn't loop together nicely. I like when the song sounds almost exactly like the beginning so you never really know when it ended. But this isn't a loop so nothing wrong with that.

Just keep doing what your doing. It all sounds great. Sorry I didn't put as much into this review as I could of.

-Review Request Club-

Decibel responds:

It's not a prob, I'm glad you dropped by to review =)


An ear tingling song

The thing that I really liked in this song was the piano. The part at the beginning was my favorite part of the song.

When the song started I got greeted with the beautiful keyboard. The retro sound went perfect with this song for trying to make it a video game song. When you started adding more to the song later on. I liked that. Building up the song's suspense. What I mostly liked about this song is the retro sound. Its not like today's games where the music is all fancy and done professionally. This one reminds me of something from an 8-bit game. I liked the retro.

Nothing. Im surprised but nothing really that makes me dislike the song any less than right now. Nothing bad or anything. The only thing is I want more. This audio was great but more length would of made me more pleased.

Everything was great. Audio, editing, all of that junk. Length is only the issue I have but not something to throw a fit over. Other than that one tiny mistake I loved the song and its retro style RAWKED!

I added this into my favorites and downloaded it.

-Review Request Club-

camoshark responds:

Lol, thanks for the great review and the perfect score!

I'm glad you liked it, the piano part is the part that started it all.

It's evident that with all that great feedback, I'd be dumb not to extend it, so I will, at one point or another!

Samuel Hébert

A smooth relaxing sensation

While listening to this song I was kicking back inside my chair relaxed more than I ever have before. I listened to this song a few times before reviewing.

The songs mood was very relaxed and mellow. As much as I like the songs where its a R&B genre or pop or something fast paced to get my blood pressure running. It was a nice change to listen to a calm relaxing song on newgrounds. Not many people submit that kind of stuff and the people who do get low scores. So having this audio to review was great. Nice little quiet break from all the spunky audio.

Not much. The only thing I could think of was it was relaxing but repetitive. There was a small difference but it wasn't completely different. Not a huge amount of change but a small bit here and there wouldn't be to bad.

The song was great. No errors, no part that I didn't like. Just as much as I listened to the song it gets really repetitive. But other than that it does just fine as a loop.

This song has been added into my favorites

-Review Request Club-

WizMystery responds:

Thanks for your review!

One thing I knew I had coming was a comment about the repetitiveness (I begrudgingly agree). This is basically a total rhythmic serialism project, and the entire rhythm hinted on a similar form throughout. I'm developing this system as a math project, and in doing so I'm also trying to make the system have the ability to develop vibrant works of art.

Thanks for favoriting this, it means alot :D


Well the start of the song I really couldn't make much of it. Just some weird distorted bag pipes. The simple drum beats did fine though. As they got louder I started feeling more within the song. The techno sounding part was really great. I was all up in it. Im shaking my head as I write this review. I really liked this song which puzzled me.

From the title of the song I thought I was going title of the song I thought I was going to hate it but infact I rather liked the song. That is why you do not judge a book by its cover. But it did get kind of old though. And yes this review is from the heart.

//Review Request Club\\

p. cool song

Im not going to lie at first I said this song sucked but then that really spunky fast moving part I was amazed cause that really spiced up the song and saved your score. The slower part where it was kind of like some techno echo got a little boring, but the good part came back and I was entertained again.

This song was spuncky and entertaing from (almost) start to finish. The starting it off boring thing I liked. It made the better parts of the song even worth more to me.

//Review Request Club\\

MobiusIII responds:

Thanks for the review! I am grateful that you stuck it out until the end haha. If only more people did that :f

Review Title.

The beginning was real loud. It made me jump at first, and the beginning wasn't to bad though. I started really enjoying the song about 20 seconds later after it started. Cause how it sounded from there was really nice. It was really good but then got old over time cause it never changed just the volume did.

The idea of changing to you was change the volume levels. After that you made a drastic change for about 5 seconds then switched back to the same routine. If there was a little more I would of appreciated that.

A thing to improve on is more creativity. More than 80% of the song was the same thing. I could of giving ou a break if it was under 2 minutes but it was a little over 4.

//Review Request Club\\

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