
47 Audio Reviews

28 w/ Responses


Well the rain drops at the beginning where it sounded kinda like raindrops from a video game.Then the steady drum beat was nicely added.Then the weird beep sound and it started picking up.It just sounded beautiful the whole way through.

it didn't really change that much but it still had a big change.It was more techno then before.I did like it the way it was but I still liked it.At 1:50 that was one of my favorite part.So that was real great part.

The ending was real nice to.It was really fast moving so props for that.I like how like the finisher to the song was like the beginning.So it wrapped up nicely.

End-9Overall=9.667(rounded to 10)

[Review Request Club]

meh more like a loop

Well it had a great start.As the seconds went by it got a little louder and faster.It stayed the same for 30 seconds but then it got good after that.

It sounded like music a super hero could play while he is rocketing through the sky.I could of sworn something like this was in music in motion.It stayed the same after that it was just like a little extra juice then it got back on its same routine.

I was very disappointed about the end.I thought is was going to have a great end but it was the EXACT same song.Just the ending it start to get quiter.

I would of called this a loop not a song.It was just the same thing repeating over and over and over again

rounded to 7)

[Review Request Club]

KrisSumara responds:

Thanks mate for the review! This is just the build up into the main part of the song. I am going to add some more melodies and try to keep it as simple as I can because that's what I was going for. Minimal house/trance, I would just go all out and add all types of wacky stuff in it but I will decide in time what to do with it.

Old skool still beats the new skool

I was thinking about this and how good it was or something

Well the first 10 seconds I was think what is this crap but then the good part started coming.Teaches you to not judge the beginning only

The part where he kept saying get up get up get up is when I realized this was about to get good.So I listened to it and was satisfied.But the end came and then it changed the way this song was.

It had a great ending but surprising I thought he was just taking a puase but it was over.The ending can kinda catch you of your guard.But I still liked the end a lot though

Vocal- +1
Overall=8.666666666666666666666666666 66667(rounded to 9)

[Review Request Club]

That was a decent track

The song reminded me o some singer but I can't remember who.

Well I liked the beat boxing or how ever that is spelled but you know what I mean.All the song was is no instruments just moaning and beat boxing.So you should of at least added a little more.

I did kinda like the vocals.It mentioned NG in there but I would of liked more back ground music to it though.That would of improved the score.Although paying your respects to newgrounds in your song was a smart way to go.This song is ll about newgrounds.Anything all about newgrounds gets my vote.

You should of added mor music to it which would of made a way better song.

Mentioned newgrounds a lot-1

[Review Request Club]

Best I have heard in a while

I am not realy a big fan of heavy metal but I still thought it was awesome

The guitar was amazing.I really wish I could play like.You reall were good going with this song the instruments and everything blended so smoothly and greatly.I really liked the out come of this song.And it was like a non heavy metal song but it was heavy metal at some parts so you had a great balance.

-Vocals-This had a really nice singer and with the song playing in the back grounded and the effects on his voice had great achievements.I have very high expectations for most songs and this just blew me away.

This was added to my favorites list.


[Review Request Club]


Well you couldn't really hear it that much with everything else going on but I loved it.Also the light symbol tapping was giving a nice effect on the song.There could of been a little more drum sounds though

I heard it a lot which I would of liked to hear more of a rock and roll song.But it was ok it just made the song more calm..I would of like more of the other sounds though.

I just would of liked to see it more fast moving

[Review Request Club]

Birdinator99 responds:

Sorry; I usually mix my drums too loud, so I might have overcompensated this time. Also, no violins were used -- if you're talking about the lead synth, which sounds the most like a violin to me, then yea, it probably was overplayed a little at the least.

Oh lol I can't make a song fast enough to please anyone XD

Thanks for reviewing!

woah my mind was just blown

I like your style.Since you pretty muched only joined newgrounds for making audio you put great effort in to it.
Im going to switch up my audio review style a bit this time though

The first second it got good a few more seconds it got great.Loud spunky and more compliments.And I thought it was going to be like where you keep up that beat for another minute but no you changed it up after 10 seconds which impressed me big time.You kept up that beat for another 30 seconds and then...

It started to remind me of what I hear on the radio where one song started playing while the other song was finishing up.And it was changing a tiny bit aevery second and it would take about 25 seconds after you noticed the change.After the 1:40 mark where you did that weird type of style I LOVED.It sounded amazing It had me deep with in the song.And you did't keep it up longer then 30 seconds and the end...

At 2:30 the song really picked up.It was like a finale at a firework show except with music.Which was a genius move to make.After the finale it started to slow down and it was coming to a close.but the last 20 seconds were a great 20 seconds.You did not let any of the song space go to waste.You had this song amazingly perfect the whole way through.

This song was added into my favorites list

[Review Request Club]

BuggMusic responds:


this is pimpen

I like how it started out in the beginning.The first few seconds it reminded me of some song you would play while driving a jeep through the amazon.But that changed quick.And I was in love with the song.I usually say make the song shorter cause it has useless parts that did not to be in the song.But I wanted this to be longer.And it was always changing which makes this song extraordinary.I would like to see more.This I would like to give a little more than a 10.And it does sound real great with it on loop so nice job with this song.

The way the beats were in this sounded better than anything I ever seen on newgrounds.It sounds pretty professional.I listened to it while I wrote this review(And it usually throws me off)But it helped inspire me to give you a better review.

The neat Beet Boot Bop sounds-3
But it can only go up to 10 so you will have to settle with the 10

This went straight in to my favorites list.

[Review Request Club]

ThunderHorseL responds:

Thank you so much:] This honestly put a huge smile on my face. Check out the demo for the final song. I hope that one goes on your favorites too! :D

Remined me of wrestling

I would use this if I had flash.Wanna buy it for me? :D

It sounded a lot like a wrestling theme where it starts out quiet and 15 seconds later BOOM.Epic stuff it had lots of great stuff in there.If I had flash I would of loved to use this in some type of game level.It was pretty much he same thing through the whole song but it was still good through the whole song.After the light part it was full of action from start to finish.But the ending was ughhh.It really didn't have an ending it sounded like it could still go on but it just quit which confused me.The few calm parts where ok though.

Work on the ending cause that not as god as it could of been.But a nicely done job

Bad ending- -1

[Review Request Club]

ChaosDragon004 responds:

That was interesting, never thought of it like that but yeah when you think of it. Glad to hear that it could be used in a flash, that just makes it all worth it you know. Yeah, while making this song it did occur to me to add more to some parts but I was trying to change up my normal style, so I desided to make it less complicated. I'll just have to work on the ballance between the two.

Thanks again for the review bro.

well its good but not great :(

it deserves a 7
-Song-\It was ok but it was just the same thing through the whole thing.But a little bit after the 1 minute mark it stated to change up a little.I don't know what rave sounds like,but if it is spose to sound really smiler to techno then you nailed it.I liked listening to the song with the transitions on which makes everything real jumpy .The angry faic I like the most with every song for some reason.I liked the ending though.How it fades away bu it is still real up beat.It would of been real good with vocals.You should use this song as a background song with some vocals

Any way it needed more oomph or something.And more different sounds.

[Review Request Club]

aryst0krat responds:

Thanks for the review!

We would absolutely love to have vocals in our songs, but unfortunately, I can't sing and my bandmate is more or less a metal singer.

As for the repetition, the composition of the song seems pretty varied to me, especially in comparison to some of our others songs and songs of the same genre, so I'm guessing you mean the er, notes of the lead, in particular? I hadn't really noticed that until now, but it's definitely something to work on.

Thanks again :)

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