
82 Game Reviews

22 w/ Responses

I remember this

I remember I discovered you through a blog post of you talkng about this and I saw the demos an cutscenes and you siad this game is going to have the most medals on newgrounds and I did not beleave you.But you showed me so this is a big step for you and it is awesome.So this is fun and you were not kidding about this game it is great.This has gotton me interested in flash so I can not wait for your next game and hopefully it will be as god as this game

Psychofig responds:

Well, I am not going to make another game for a while, this one has eaten up all my time. But yeah, thanks! This is my first real flash game afterall!


This was an extraordinary game.I have only 8 levels left to go and they are a tuffy.I need to finish levels 37 and 44-50.But it is a fun game.One thing that would of been really cool is upgrades.So if there is a fourth I would recommend upgrades.I also will buy this for the i pod touch when I get one.

Thanks RohantheBarbarian and Fro

I have been trying to get a bronze whistle a while and a friend recommended this to me.And it has helped a lot.I use to be one of those users who would do those spam reviews but I joined the review request club and changed my ways.This was a lot more easy to understand than the review guidelines.There they just told you the wrong things to do but you gave explanations,examples,and also where to find some abusive reviews. Unfortunately RAGEs thread has been locked.I really think users should try to do a little researching to figure out an estimated whistle point amount per whistle.I did not know you can use google to.I just tested it and it turned out to give me 2 abusive reviews.Thank you very much

I think it is the greatest game ever

This game was truly remarkable.There was nothing about it extensive game play,great controls,smooth graphics.It was fun the way you level up was original.But I like the skill orbs feature and getting talents and stat points.The boss fights were great.Every time I would go fight a new boss I would make sure I grew 5 levels until I fought the next boss.I just wish you COULD RE FIGHT BOSSES IN STORY MODE.That is the only thing I do not like but im not going to rate you down for it.But re fighting bosses would be perfect if you were trying to level up fast.The only other thing I do not like but it is a small thing is getting stat points.You get some every time you level up but makes it almost impossible to get 100% of the game completed and makes growing your skills take a while.I really like the signets that was a brilliant touch to the game which made it more fun and entertaining.But I wish there was a little more signets.It must of taken months to finish this game.And after all the work you guys did it is marvelous.Exellent game and hopefully the next game you do will be as fun as this one.

Extraordinarily Excellent

This was the biggest improvement from a game i have ever seen.To be honest I did not like the first one.The first one the medals were hard to get and was not fun.This game the medals are easy.And not just the medal that I like.In the first one you were just pretty much going around the map killing guys and it wasn't really missions,this one you just go to the head ship and pick a mission to do.You also get ship parts easier and More unlockable and cooler stuff.So I really enjoyed this game and not just for medals,For the fun of the newgrounds flash portal and the great games people submit

Pretty dang good

Well this is a fun game but it reminds me a lot of canabalt and it is pretty much the exact same except different sprites.It still was fun I wish it had medals I can get over 500 but not at least to 1000.It was still a real fun game Mofunzone is great sponsors and it was a fun 30 mins.Great job with the games you guys aren't really a disappointment to me ever

YailenkoGames responds:

Yes, MoFunZone is a great sponsor. I'm glad you like the game. Thanks!

this was a good game

Just cause its hard doesn't mean its impossible

-Game play-
For a quiz game I had a lot of fun playing it and it was really great.I also like how you mixed it up a little where not a levels you have four to chose from some times the answer is hidden where you least expect

I would give it a 9/10 cause it is very hard but what people don't understand is it can be accomplished.It will just take some time to complete the game

I thought I would make a walkthrough for all the levels I completed(19).I didn't finish the whole game but hopefully this helps
2.no,but a tin can
4.The answer is "the answer" in the title click that
5.take your mouse off the game screen and just go to the other end
7.an elephant
8.kinda below the E you will see a yes click that
9.the "that one" right above"this one" is the answer
10.click teeth
12.the dot right above the I
14.a torch
15.spell H.O.R.S.E with the letters in the bubble
17.Click the 17 in the circle
19. Color in order:Blue,Orange,Green,Green,Yellow

very advanced tutorial

I do not have flash.But if I did it would be very understandable

This was simple to understand and it told you everything you needed to make it amazingly perfect.It was clear and simple.If I was using flash I would easily use this tutorial and get it done

-The Examples-
With the examples he gave clear examples and not only did every step he gave you a photo to help you follow along,He also gave you in the button tutorial he gave you a button to interact with to help show you what it looks like

The music got a little repetitive but it was catchy and made my but move the whole time.So not only are you learning your listening to music

[Review Request Club]

This game needs work

Well there is nothing really good about this game bu it is pretty fun and killed 20 minutes and it kinda bugged you until you beat it
It has crappy controls,when you riding on ground it goes to fast and when your falling it goes to slow.Any slight turn you make it knocks you over and makes you restart.
For improvements you should add more then 3 levels and make then longer and give then a check point.Add a different background each level cause it gets boring.

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