
28 Art Reviews w/ Response

All 40 Reviews


Super orgasm all the way!

Coleco responds:


Sweet home Alabama

This art reminds me of Alabama or something you would see out of a country movie.

The art has a laid back type of style. Its a simple and calm piece of work. It looked like a lot of fun to make this art with the ipad. The art style I really like with the choppy look. It looks somewhat low quality but it is still a very great piece of art. The way you made this art is what I really like about it. I can really put it into words but its very good.

I like how the art has little detail into it but some more detail would help me figure out what this is. Some parts of it I couldn't tell what it was.

All I would of liked was to add a little more into the art. I liked the simplicity of it but a little more couldn't of hurt so it wouldn't be so plain.

-Review Request Club-

Joshsouza responds:

Look at Coop's review and look at my response, think it says everything I want to say.

Your banned?

Surprised you got banned from the art portal. I only know one person who got banned and it was for a good reason.

What I like about the drawing is it makes no sense. His legs are mutated snakes, his wings are all messed up and uneven, you have his arms labeled east and west, and I can't tell if thats fire coming out of his eyes or its just his eyebrows.

Its so simple that it looks like a 3 year old drew it. Im sorry if that insults you but I love simple art like this. The way you filled it in looks like you scribbled and did it in 10 seconds.

And when authors sign there name on the art there making like in the corner, I like how you did hat and it makes you look silly. I love this art just cause how crappy it is.

Drawings - 5
Colors - 3
Details -3
Overall - 3.66666667 (rounded to 4)

ZJ responds:

Your review has touched me in ways I cannot even begin to describe.

Your art is da bomb

Your art is above all pieces I have seen. Every submission I see from you it ends up in my favorites and just makes my eyeballs sing.

The colors were nicely blended in this one. And the clor choices that you chose went great with the parts you were working with. What I mean by that is the inside of the bubble thing its dark colors when on the outside its the entire rainbow all thrown together.

I don't know what you mean by making this in pastel. But you did great with this. I am never disappointed with what you make so please never stop. One thing that made me laugh is it looks like its neck is broken since it looks like its neak is twisted around.

As always another one of your fabulous pieces are in my favorites list.

Colors - 10
Details - 10
Creativity - 10
Overall - 10

\\Review Request Club//

Merol responds:

I'm very glad you like it!

And, pastel is an art material, and it's really fun working with it!
And actually, I don't even remember if I drew the neck, but I didn't care much about the anatomy in this one.

THANKS AGAIN! and thanks a lot for adding it to your favorites!!!

this is some badass pacman art

Reminds me a little bit of my old pacman art but it doesn't suck

Ptero responds:

Yes it does. DON'T LIE.

mind kind of women

This piece of art is very nice and detailed.You can see the look on her face when she dropped the apple and the leg stitches you can tell they were home made.This reminds me of some alternate alien world with long legged aliens.But I can feel the tension and mood in this art.You make really awesome art.The dark sky gives it some mysterious and eerie feeling.The way you shade your art to looks real nice how you give it texture

Question.Do you use a computer program or do you hand draw it then use a scan tron

[Review Request Club]

Merol responds:

THANK YOU VERY MUCH MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I hand draw them first, then use a scanner, and then use flash to give them color. I made some draws using only color pencils, but they just look very scratchy.

This a sequel?

Is this like when she get home from that coconut bowl and reaches land?

You can tell she just doesn't care that she has just given up on everything.The destroyed tree and building shows that it has been kind of a dump.The trash make it look more like a dump.The apple and book in the water made it like a polluted kind of place.This place is terrible and she just wants a change

i favorited this one to and added you in to my favortie artist

[Review Request Club]

Merol responds:

It's not a sequel, but still, it's kind of related to the coconut picture.

Yes, it would be terrible to be alone in a place like that!!

(Also THANKS again for adding this picture to your favorites, and for adding me too!!!!!!!)

A freaking amazing

I have NOTHING bad to say about this

That is so awesome looking.It reminds me of those old windows in midevil castles.I love that though 3 points is from the sky.The sun looks real nice like one of those weird cartoons.

-2 humans&coconut boat-
Very well drawn I cant even desrcibe how good they look.The nudity was a nice tough :) .But at least you didn't show the dick.But that has real emotion to.They look like they have been floating for days.The guy you can tell he wants land.With the note in the bottle and that pineapple thing you can tell they went insane.But the book shows that they had a little entertainment.With the coconut bowl with a missing piece and a crack shows that it had some age.

I favorited this so great job with this

[Review Request Club]

Merol responds:

Wow, nice that you noticed the expression of the guy, like if he is sick of the water, and he just wants to get away from there. Also, never saw the movie Cast Away??? You have to watch it!!.

THAAAANKKSSSS A LOOTTT for reviewing and THANKS A LOTT for adding this to your favorites

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